Community development conference, convocation,
and final projects!
It's been a busy couple of weeks at Corbett Hall as our students are in a time of transition. While our Year 1 students are off in various corners of Alberta and Saskatchewan completing their first fieldwork placements, our most recent graduates from Fall 2016 are returning to the U of A for their spring convocation this afternoon.
As for our Year 2s, it's been a whirlwind of activities this past several weeks! Before they head out for their final two placements in July/August and September/October, they celebrated with a graduation banquet June 3 at the Faculty Club. It was so nice to hear the inspirational speech from Dr.s Liz Taylor and Mary Forhan and to see the students engage in well deserved celebrations. Last week, they finished the last of their traditional classes and capped it off with the Community Development Conference, where they presented their projects completed with community partners including asset mapping, health promotion, empowerment education, peer support, participatory action research, community rehab and partnership building. Please check out the Faculty of Rehab Medicine facebook page for some photos
FMR June 8, 2017
Year 2s on their last day of formal classes! |
Moments after this picture was taken (on a beautiful 26 degree day), I am sure all the students rushed back to put the final touches on their capstone OccTh 903 projects, which they will be defending this Thursday! This is the last of their in class requirements before they are off to their final two placements!
Congratulations to all our student on their achievements and to you, our community partners for your support and contributions to their development!
We are matching the final placement in September/October this Thursday and could always use a few more offers. If you feel you can offer, please contact me at or any member of the clincal education team. As always...THANK YOU!