Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Seeking Level 3 Student Placements for Summer Session

We now have enough placements for all of our OCCTH 525/Year 1 students for the spring session.

We are very grateful for the support and contribution of all the OTs in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and beyond who supervise our students from session to session, year to year!

We are re-directing our recruitment efforts to the Year 2/Level 3 summer session. Dates for this particular placement are quite flexible to work around your summer holiday schedules:

OCCTH 527 (Year 2/Level 3a)
ANY 7 weeks between June 27 and September 2 

If you are a registered OT working in Alberta and would be interested in supervising a student during this session, please contact Cori Schmitz at the UofA OT Department:


Thank you for your consideration!