Monday, November 28, 2016

Student-Led Clinic showcases unique learning 

opportunities for MScOT students

This month, the Faculty of Rehab Medicine communications department highlighted the work of Jillian Quigley at the Vi Riddell Children's Pain and Rehab Centre at Alberta Children's Hospital in Calgary.  This placement allows groups of students to participate in a student lead multi-disciplinary learning environment.  Please click here to see the entire article.  

The Department of Occupational Therapy's Jutta Hinrichs and Cori Schmitz pose with Jillian Quigley (centre) in Banff where Quigley received the ​CAOT Fieldwork Educator Award of Excellence for the Student-Led Program in Calgary. (Photo Credit: Lili Liu)
Thank you to Jillian for her tremendous work with our students!