Call for offers - Fall 2017
THANK YOU to those of you who are involved in the education and support of UofA MScOT students!We greatly appreciate the generous number of offers that we received for OCCTH 525 and 527.Please consider offering a fieldwork placement for the upcoming Fall sessions.
OCCTH 528, Year 2, Level 3b (Final Placement): September 5 - October 20, 2017 (7 weeks)OCCTH 503, Year 1, Introductory Placement: November 6 - 10, 2017 (5 days)
Please send your placement offers by June 9th in one of the following ways:1. If you are an HSPnet user, please accept your Placement Request(s) (PR) in HSPnet2. If you work for AHS, please notify Tracy Wulff at AHS via email with your offer: 3. If you work for Covenant Health, please notify Stacey Roussel with your offer: 4. If you work for Capital Care, please notify the CC Student Placement Team with your offer: 5. All other sites interested in making an offer please contact Michelle Green, Clinical Education Administrator: and she can send you a Recruitment Form.It is important to us that you find clinical instruction and mentorship to be a rewarding experience - we recognize the commitment and time it takes to supervise these 'OTs-in-training!' Your participating is greatly appreciated and your feedback is always welcome.